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Someone who in Mena, AR loves to pleasure and play.
I'm emotionally available and hella entertaining and communicative. Soo sorry for looking like a slut on pic like. We all have atleast one if those! She must be able to hold erotic conversation on email and in RL.

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Hi, I'm an outdoorsy person from rock climbing and hiking in Mena, AR all the way to ice climbing. Age and appearance don't matter to me. Non-posessive but lean slightly dominant. Someone who is close by me and I dont care if youre attached as long as you're after hassle free fun! Just a woman that older than me.

I am blonde about 140 lbs and I have big boobs.

Looking for single who in Mena, AR is interested.
That will allow us to try more things and experiment or at least talk about those taboo but interesting things. Looking to find a friend to explore old feelings and new sensations with.

Served with a side of humor in Mena, AR .
I enjoy getting between a guy's legs and burying my face in pussy.

My kink is your pleasure!! FWB arrangement work well for me.

I'm looking to broaden my community of like minded friends and ideally find a long term playmate who's sexually adventurous.