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I have La Feria, TX a 6.2 inch long dick.

I am not looking for a rich man, I am looking for someone to have great conversations with. If you are near Little Rock I usually stay in a hotel but someone that can host is desirable. I have to upmost respect for women and will be able to contact. I know I seem young, but Im into people of all ages.

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I suppose I should get down to brass tacks now and stop beating around the bush straight to the point & a high sex drive. Also the appreciation of a man like myself who loves to spend Intimate time with women, sometimes couples.
Not sure what to expect, trying things out. Swinging couple post.
Yes, I can safely say I am a very down to earth guy.
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If youre capable of being mature, honest, upfront, and fun, then I want to know you. Love God, regularly study scripture or some svtivity to keep God at the forefront.

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My partner is Male. I am looking to meet someone that love to have fun and explore our sexual wants La Feria, TX and desires.
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I am an intelligent, well-traveled, successful, beautiful, bi-sexual drama-free Princess looking for a Girlfriend.

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I'm looking to broaden my community of like minded friends and ideally find a long term playmate who's sexually adventurous.