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Mutual respect and confidentiality is both expected and assured. Glandorf, OH Ohio swingers. Nude women do hot sex in the beach

Someone Ohio swingers who can hold a conversation!

Looking for fun Ohio swingers and/or friends. Swingers looking for single male to eat pussy in Statesboro, GA.

Open minded single guy, lives alone, no. Not in a position to let go of what is currently happening in our lives. I'm incredibly lonely, I'm home alone 24/7 I hardly venture out, I miss hearing a Woman's Voice and most of all touch, surely there must be somebody out there who wants Me please?
I am looking for a genuine people, to have fun with.

I'm mostly lookin for Oral Ohio swingers play.
Above average intellect.

Must be discrete and DD free! Passionate when there's resonance, which could lead to every bit of anything. I like to live my life with a lady.

I am cultured and Ohio swingers well traveled.
Into 3 women or more. I'm looking for someone that has the same lack of attention. Lying will get you nothing but a good swift kick in the balls. I'm 7 inches long and thick. 6ft athletic guy looking for fun with ladies and couples.

Open, drama free, and Ohio swingers clean.
The ideal person. Kind, sweet and sexy.

I'm looking to broaden my community of like minded friends and ideally find a long term playmate who's sexually adventurous.