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IM LOOKIN FOR SUM1 TO FUCK POINT BLANK PERIOD REAL LESBIANS ONLY. Idaho Falls sex personals. First time swingers club naked

Not Idaho Falls  here to judge anyone.

Well im a curious guy exploring a bit here and there I like women of all shapes and sizes the same I'm on to multiple types and races. Nothing attached.

I'm a mid 40's guy who likes meeting interesting new people, and not just in the bed. Sexy white girl 41 looking for another girl to play with me while my man fucks me ! I'd really love to meet people who share in some (or all) of those too since exploring that side of my life has never really happened (close kinda judgemental family & friends) Some of these interests: latex, bondage, girls in heels, ass-play (not necessarily anal sex) and kinda interested in exploring both giving and receiving too, girls who love toys, role play, and girls who love receiving oral.

I  tend Idaho Falls to be pretty private.
Too many men get comfortable, even complacent, and forget that foreplay starts outside the bedroom; that kisses can start soft with cheek strokes, but end with the back of her hair being pulled in wild passion. Sex wise I am straight but very broadminded minded, enjoying skin to skin contact, massage and deep penetration. Looking for one night stand or friends with benefits with like minded people. I'm a Canadian with a property north of Lapeer Mi.
Decided that it was time to reconstruct an updated version of my basic profile. Long legged women galleroes. Dont have much time on my hands but am always ready to listen to other people.

To play Idaho Falls with or without husband.
A little on the heavy side and I'm brutally honest so don't ask unless you want the answer that follows if it hurts your feelings get over it. My ideal person is relaxed, appreciates discretion given, and received, and is not looking to change anything in yours.

Ex Pro D of 23 plus years in the Idaho Falls scene.

We are a fairly adventurous young couple looking to experiment. Driven professional seeking meaningful connections and the excitement of meeting new individuals and couples.

Looking for nice lady....kinda....or not exactly nice...but satisfying. Show me old swinger club.

I'm looking to broaden my community of like minded friends and ideally find a long term playmate who's sexually adventurous.