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Available mostly during the day and occasional weekends. Naked nude women in Cleveland, Ohio

I'm an open book ask me in Cleveland, Ohio anything.
My story so far has been filled with diverse experiences, from backpacking across continents to diving into the depths of your desires and uncover the mysteries that lie within.
Hi......Jay here, I'm a coffee coloured, athletic, smart, professional and confident kind of a guy, been told I'm sexy, got a great body and that I have a good character.
My old lady having passionate sex stories of wife catches husband masturbating then helps.

Looking for physical in Cleveland, Ohio attention.
We are a couple, looking for fun with single or married ladies. Will get you food if you'd like lol.

Women who want to in Cleveland, Ohio have a good time...
I don't just want hookups either. My ideal person is someone that is sexy in their own way.

Looking to see in Cleveland, Ohio who can catch my eye.
I don't care about the size of your dick (just don't be a dick). What a question. Hard working mom, I have tried a poly-triad before and it didn't work the way I had hoped for. I love ladies older than me. Also looking for single to join us together for threesomes.

I'm looking to broaden my community of like minded friends and ideally find a long term playmate who's sexually adventurous.