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I enjoy learning about skincare, the arts and investing. Humanoid women for sex. I am down for it. Seeking MEETS with women and straight couples. U need to b close by, my availability is mostly unplanned and limited. I love nature but it's hard to go hiking without a car. I'm a 23 year old attached male from Taylor MICHIGAN looking for discreet hookups before and after my workdays.

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Im not looking for anything serious however ongoing fun isn't off the table either. Fun to hang out with outside of the bedroom, open minded sexually, willing to explore and be explored.

Fun, independent, comfortable giving and revoking consent, willing to be strong but worshipped as well. They should be able to share them with the right couples.

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Married and playing with a hall pass. We usually come on here when we are drinking and having a sexy night. Looking for men who can show their persuasion skills to hubby to get invited over just tell me how your gonna uhmm fuck me. Can always host in Burien or open to meeting where you want. Open and into multiple rounds I've never been satisfied stopping after just one. Minnesota women into swinging and fucked in ass on pontoon boats. I am looking for a very discrete man/ woman and or bi couple if the man is bi + Hopefully you are married too and understand the discretion and tact needed...

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I'm looking to broaden my community of like minded friends and ideally find a long term playmate who's sexually adventurous.