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If your interested message me we can exchange pictures and see where it goes. Sex stories about nude wife in public

I work three days nude wife in public a week.
I want someone who is honest caring faithful loyal and trusting plus love me for me. Skinny and super tall wanting to have some fun , with older woman (i also like young woman too) , I want to learn all about the things you enjoy.

Okay, anything goes,..as long as it leads to random play and FWB...And you can host. I am and always have been outgoing, people person, enjoying the uniqueness and zest of others; We are all adults here, and some are seeking, others are just adding extra excitement to their lives, perhaps filling a void of passion, or just really enjoy fulfilling themselves with mutual minded lovers. Bear dad.

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Quick with a pun. Looking for a casual relationship that may grow into something more serious.

No couples nude wife in public for the time being.
Looking for submissive female with experience or new to scene. Also would love to have CD gurlfriends to play and dress with. Swapping wives drinker sex. So what ever it takes is what I have to do. I'm Divorced and completely unattached and would be glad if I encounter a master of high caliber, good attitude, self-respect, and ambition, a master who knows what he and like him and how he likes it!

I do have a life with adult responsibilities so a delay in a response is expected.

My  heart and arms nude wife in public are open to meet.

Yes, id be willing to relocate the right person. A woman who loves to use a strapon.

I'm looking to broaden my community of like minded friends and ideally find a long term playmate who's sexually adventurous.