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Employed, discreet, open minded, fetish friendly and enjoys pleasing her orally. We hardly ever see each other so right now it works. If interested in a slut who's only thought will be to please asomeone feel free to hit me up at the contacts in my status.

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This place pushes people to suicide because A you're treated like you don't fucking exist or B since I'm not some 6ft tall stud with a 12 inch dick and bank account with triple digits I suck. I mean, we will work on our relationship together as long as we compromise. Cheating wives in Elmira, NY. Discrete meet ups NSA, no chance to your situation or mine. Im looking to find younger men for fun and friendship. Uninhibited and high energy women or straight couples who are looking explore their sensuality in a fun and no-pressure setting.

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I'm looking to broaden my community of like minded friends and ideally find a long term playmate who's sexually adventurous.