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I enjoy one on one sex but would love to try two women at once. Waco swingers hotels. Sexy wives feet

A Waco stable, intimate relationship.
Been a chef for 15 years been in Waco a funk looking for friends and fun. We are a cple her49 him 50 i am a large bbw. Pussy in La Puente, CA sexy girls!

I am   a Waco gentle, caring, loveable man.
Be honest please. I'm an adventurous guy in his early 30's (open to partners of any age) who's looking to explore new scenes, and have a good time as I believe life is short and we are in the bedroom, we only desire flings Waco - not consistent interaction, to keep things light and simple. We enjoy rough, nasty, kinky sex.
6,3 divorced.

Long Beach/ Van Nuys too Waco far for  D.
I am online much more so I am hoping to make new friends and maybe more. Looking for someone who is as sex driven as I am. Would love to have an experience with a woman.
I'm a best in the sheets and I need a chick who is not afraid to be himself sexually or otherwise..Please note, 1. Sensuality - like touching and foreplay, is super important in setting the mood Waco for a night!

I am submissive by Waco nature.
Like to meet up on the weekends, seeing that is when I have the most availability. If it makes any sense. Also, I'm interesting in meeting in person. Looking for bottoms mostly that enjoy leather too. I love to travel, be on the water, live music, craft beer. I consider myself a woman with a lot of love, passion and romance.

I'm looking to broaden my community of like minded friends and ideally find a long term playmate who's sexually adventurous.