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I don't come in Inez, Kentucky on here for games.

Although Inez, Kentucky I'm not looking for a new life partner I would like to share her with people in the lifestyle as a single black male! I'm 56 years old. Im into watching movies and football games on tv. Kinky asf!!!

Rather get to know someone and learn best ways to please my partner.

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I am always for the positive in everything and for a healthy lifestyle. I know, I'm picky and that's ok because I enjoy my life! Morehead City adult clubs. Hi there - I am new to the area trying to get settled in. I am very good at phone sex.

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With occasionally with as little drama as possible. Black hot and. I grew up in Inez, Kentucky Australia, so I've got that sexy accent so many people love, and a deep soothing voice to go with it.

A woman or couple to show us the ropes. I want to find a man like you as my lover.

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I love going for long walks and hanging out at coffee shops. I will never judge anyone for "who" they are, regardless of race, looks, or sexual orientation. Maybe have your man's cock sucked or your sexy ladies pussy eaten? I naturally prefer to be more dominant once we get to know each other. I would like to continue to see you and deepen our connection and sexual enjoyment. Find old horny men getting naked for fun in Hurricane, UT.

I'm looking to broaden my community of like minded friends and ideally find a long term playmate who's sexually adventurous.