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Been almost 3 years solo, cleaning house literally and metaphorically. Pussy in York, PA. Nude females firefighters volunteers

I am to old for York, PA games and drama.

Please keep in mind I am not tiny. Adult swinging in Spring Valley, IL.

I've chaired a local arts festival exhibit the last seven years.

I am very York, PA open to new things. Open to all different concepts, thoughts, goals, desires. Any questions, please just ask, we are both pretty straight forward... I'm looking for a woman or couple to add some kinky adventures to life.

Is polite, respectful York, PA and funny.
Love being outdoors as much as being at home. Im jus looking for someone to associate with to show them my world what I like doing & what they're like with me too. Terre Haute nude girls.
Would be willing to help you achieve one of your Fantasies in return. I am submissive by nature.

With a good sense of York, PA humor.
I'm a 5'3 blonde hair, hazel eyes, average build who is looking for excitement, and lots of fun with a female or couple. I am a romantic and York, PA I can make someone very.

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Love watching others with my wife. Down to earth and good company. 420 and drinks is ok but no hard drugs Non smokers preferred so keep it to yaself. I find it quite a turn on having a similar age or older Subs call me Daddy. Confident with her body. I have great stamina and can go multiple times.

I'm looking to broaden my community of like minded friends and ideally find a long term playmate who's sexually adventurous.